6 More Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Social Media (part 2)

Homeschool Business Blog

In the ever-evolving world of social media, consistency reigns supreme as the golden ticket to success. It is an all-too-familiar tale; business owners diving headfirst into the realm of online marketing, fueled with enthusiasm and hope, only to be left disheartened after a mere month of sporadic posting.

But let me tell you this: success on social media is not an overnight feat; it is a marathon, not a sprint. To unlock its true potential, one must embrace the power of consistency - a key ingredient that can make or break the success of your marketing plan.

1. You Need A Plan!

Using a social media planner makes it easier to keep track of all of your posts and when you are going to post them. This helps you make better posts, reach more people, and grow your homeschool business!

You need to keep track of all the posts you are going to share, so you are not just doing it by the seat of your pants each day. You want to plan out what you want to share each week or even month, so you can start preparing them ahead of time. 

2. Pick Your Primary Social Network

The best social media site for your business depends on where your ideal customers like to hang out online. This could be YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, or another social network.

This is especially true if you are just getting started with social media marketing. You need to master one social media account before moving onto the next one. You can still post on your Pinterest and Instagram account, but you should pick one social media account to focus on engaging with your ideal customers (that's likes, comments, and messages!).

3. Decide On Your Social Media Goals

If you don't know where the goalpost is, you don't have any way to measure if a post was successful or not! There is content that will increase your newsletter subscribers, and other posts will increase your brand awareness. You want the type of content you plan on sharing on your social media accounts around your goals, so your focus isn't divided. 

Think about it this way, if you tried to clean five different rooms in an hour, how many rooms would you have cleaned in that hour? 

So you need to pick your top 3 goals and focus on creating content that gets you closer to accomplishing your goals. 

  • Get more sales
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Increase website visits
  • Get more newsletter subscribers
  • Build a community around your business

4. Record Your Statistics

Keeping track of your statistics is an important way to measure whether your social media marketing is working. If you are not seeing sizable increases in the following statistics, you need to change up something up because you are not reaching your ideal customers!

To start, you should track your:

  • Followers
  • Website visitors
  • Newsletter subscribers
  • Online sales

5. Choose Your Image Categories

An image is worth a thousand words! Create a folder on your computer or phone for your image categories. Schedule a time to take some pictures once a week or a month in each category.

  • Products
  • Family
  • Happy customers
  • Your office
  • Making your product
  • Using your products
  • Hobbies
  • You (Don't be shy!)

6. Share in The Homeschool Quest group!

Did you know that homeschool businesses can post up to 4 times a day in the Homeschool Quest Free & Affordable Facebook group with over 150,000 homeschool moms and dads? Click here to join!

  • Share freebies with a newsletter sign up.
  • Share your paid products (under $30).
  • Share blog posts explaining the problem and solution your products gives.
  • Share a funny homeschool post
  • Ask & answers questions

BONUS: 6 Tips for sharing posts that convert better

  1. Require a newsletter sign up for freebies
  2. A photo gets more attention than just text
  3. Experiment with posting at different times
  4. Share about your product's benefits, not just your features
  5. Write an attention grabbing one sentence summary at the beginning of your post
  6. Add a call to action

Read more here5 Tips For Writing Amazing Ads & Social Media Posts

We are looking for volunteers to join our welcome team in the Homeschool Quest group! We will share one of your freebies every month in one of our welcome posts in return for you providing advice and encouragement to our new members. This is a great way to connect with new homeschool moms and dads and build a lasting impression. Click here to learn more about our free marketing opportunities.