How To Get The Most Out Of Social Media Marketing, Part 1

Homeschool Business Blog

In today's age of digital dominance, social media marketing has become an integral part of every marketing plan. However, despite your best efforts to promote your homeschool products, you might be left wondering why people aren't flocking to buy from you. The answer lies in a simple yet often overlooked concept: the rule of seven.

According to this principle, potential customers need to see or hear about your business at least seven times before they are ready to make a purchase. So, if you've been diligently posting on social media platforms but haven't seen the desired results yet, fret not! It's all part of the process that requires patience and persistence.

It Starts With The Buyer's Journey

People must be first aware of your business and the products that you offer before you can convince them to buy.

You have to explain you are offering a solution that they need.

They also need proof that you are telling the truth about how your product will solve their problem. 

This means writing blog posts, sharing social media posts, advertising and sending newsletters.

4 Essential Types Of Posts You MUST Share

Focusing on sharing more of these 4 essential types of posts will maximize the time you are spending on social media, so you can get more sales, leads, and newsletter subscribers. Each of these types of posts help move your ideal customers forward in their Buyer's Journey by providing them with the information they need to get closer to buying from you.

1. Awareness posts

Get the attention of your customers with free content that introduces them to the problems you solve. You want to help to solve a small part of their problem, and then provide them with links back to your paid products. 

TIP: Include an extra page in the beginning or end of your free printables with links and a call to action to find your paid products. 

2. Research posts

Share information about solutions to their problem to position yourself as the expert in this area, whether that is gardening, math or creating your homeschool. This can be comparing different types of solutions or the differences between competitors. 

3. Consideration posts:

Tell them how you offer the best solution to their problem and how you are different from the competition. Your difference can be your worldview, your teaching style, the format of the materials or even the artwork you use throughout your curriculum or class.

TIP: Focus on benefits rather than a list of features. 

4. Decision posts:

The goal of these posts are to get people to take the leap of faith and actually try your product. You want to share the answers to FAQs, so you can overcome any concerns or objections people may have about your product or type of solution, share testimonials, and any coupons or discounts you are currently offering.

Click here to read part 2: 6 More Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Social Media (Part 2)

If you are ready to supercharge your social media marketing, you should consider joining the Homeschool Quest advertising club! We share your freebies and products in our Facebook group with over 150,000 members, in our blog, in our newsletter with 30,000 subscribers, and our magazine with thousands of readers. Click here to learn more.