10 Reasons Why Content Marketing Is Important

Homeschool Business Blog

Content marketing is all about sharing useful information with the goal of attracting customers. While the ultimate goal is to expand your audience and bring in new customers, the focus is on providing valuable and useful information instead of only pitching your products and services.

What is content?

Blog posts, website articles, product descriptions, social media posts, podcasts, videos, newsletters, and more. 

Why is creating content so important?

  1. Content marketing delivers three times as many leads as other forms of marketing.
  2. Businesses that use content marketing have almost eight times more visitors to your website.
  3. Content marketing pre-sells your products while you focus on creating more products.
  4. Search engines like Google and Bing reward websites with new content by placing them higher in search results.
  5. Content marketing gets your audience ready to buy.
  6. Businesses get more visitors from social media because they are providing interesting information to their audience on their website.
  7. Content marketing attracts the attention of your ideal customer.
  8. You will receive more engagement on your posts on social media.
  9. Businesses get more followers on social media when they use content marketing.
  10. Content marketing establishes you as an expert by building authority and trust with potential customers.

Many business owners find it difficult or time-consuming to get new customers, but by creating content that's valuable and relevant, you can attract people who are interested in what you have to offer. With content marketing, when your audience is ready to buy, they'll come straight to you because they already trust you.

Content marketing benefits small businesses by helping them target their ideal customers more easily. By blogging regularly and publishing value-packed content, you capture your ideal customer's attention because it's clear to them what you offer and what benefits you bring them.

So if you already blog and consistently post on social media, and you are not getting the same results as your competitors, you might be publishing the wrong stuff.

Sign up for the new Homeschool Quest Content Marketing Club for just $10 a month to get a step-by-step plan to effectively market your homeschool business with articles, newsletters, and social media. Click here to learn more.