3 Ways To Promote Your Homeschool Printables

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With so many homeschool resources available online, how can you ensure that your printables stand out from the crowd and get the attention they deserve? If you are already a Homeschool Quest advertiser, you are reaching an audience of over 214k homeschool parents around the world and 41,000 email subscribers. 

Want to give your printables a boost in visiblity? In this article, we will explore three ways you get more eyes on your homeschool printables. So buckle up and get ready to unleash the full potential of your printables!

3 Ways To Promote Your Homeschool Printables

1. Share your printables in the Homeschool Quest groups at least once a week.

Sharing your printables in the Homeschool Quest groups will help you to reach a larger audience with your printables. By regularly posting your resources at least once a week, you are not just showcasing your hard work, but helping others in their homeschool journey.

You should also find  posts where people are looking for printables like yours and share your printable in the comments. 

Ready for the next level? Give advice on questions people ask to show your expertise. By consistently contributing to the group discussions and offering your expertise through your printable resources, you can establish yourself as a valuable member of the community. This engagement can lead to meaningful connections and new ideas.

Click here to share a post in the Homeschool Quest group.


3 Ways To Promote Your Homeschool Printables

2. Record a video about how to use your printable

We share weekly parent workshops by knowledgable homeschool parents, former teachers and homeschool graduates. If you are a Homeschool Quest advertiser, you can record a 15-minute workshop for parents.

This can be a game-changer in boosting the visibility of your printables. Offering insights, tips, and guidance that is related to your printable establish you as an expert. You'll be making a personal connecting with homeschool parents so they are more likely to explore and share your printable resources.

Engaging with parents through a workshop allows you to address common questions and concerns about your printable.

This adds value and creates a sense of community among parents who are seeking support and guidance. By showcasing your knowledge and expertise in a video format, you can build trust with your audience. And everyone knows that people buy from people they like, know and trust.

Click here to submit a workshop idea.


3 Ways To Promote Your Homeschool Printables

3. Join the next family unit study printable sampler for the HQ Club

Joining the next Family Unit Study Printable Sampler for the HQ Club could be just the boost your printables need. This allows you to give people a small taste of what you offer and advertise your full printable bundles.

Click here to sign up.


What's Next

So if you want to boost the sales of your printables, you can share your printable in the Homeschool Quest groups, present a workshop, and join in the next family unit study printable sampler. If you are not already a Homeschool Quest advertiser, click here to get started for only $25 a month.