Homeschool Quest Marketing Moderators


We are looking for 10 homeschool business owners to volunteer as Marketing Moderators for the Homeschool Quest. In order to qualify, you must have at least 1,000 email subscribers or at least 1,000 combined social media followers.

As a marketing mod, you would:


  • Share at least 1 post a week on your Instagram, Pinterest, or other homeschool groups. This can be an HQ article, event, or unit study. (We will share links that need a boost in the Marketing Mods Chat.)


  • Mention 1 resource in your newsletter once a month. This could be the magazine, a blog post or freebie guide, etc.


  • Help with other simple marketing tasks as you have time such as inviting people to groups, inviting people to events, sharing posts to stories or adding pre-made reels, etc.
  • Share the magazine on your blog once a quarter


  • You will receive $25 credit each month that you can use toward advertising with the Homeschool Quest. This means you could teach a kid's class or even sign up for the List Builder monthly membership for free!
  • You can include a freebie in our exclusive quarterly freebie guide PDF for each time you share a HQ resource in your newsletter.

Interested? Just fill out the form below. We only have 10 slots available right now. 

Join The Marketing Moderator