If you're a homeschooling parent, you know how important it is to have a supportive community. The Homeschool Quest give families the opportunity to connect with other homeschoolers and offer resources for successful homeschooling.
If you want to support what we are doing, please consider volunteering your time! Volunteering not only helps our group grow and thrive, but it also provides an excellent opportunity for veteran homeschoolers to get involved.
If you're looking to encourage new families who are just starting their homeschool journey, consider volunteering in one of these areas:

Join The Pinterest Team
We are always looking for homeschool business owners to help us collect the best homeschool freebies on our Pinterest group boards. For every two pins you share, you can add one of your resources.
We'll share many of these resources in our groups and newsletter, so this gives you a chance to get a free newsletter & blog mention.
Send us an email if you are interested in joining our group boards.

Join The Welcome Team
We are seeking established homeschooling moms to help us welcome and encourage new members by replying to the comments in our weekly welcome posts and answering questions.
Welcome team members get a freebie mentioned in the weekly welcome post.
Send us an email if you are interested in encouraging new homeschooling parents.

Become A Moderator
Whether you are a homeschooling parents or a homeschool business owner, we are looking for people who are willing to volunteer their time to moderate comments and posts in our Facebook group.
Moderators get one List Starter package for free every month and get their freebies mentioned in the weekly welcome post.
Send us an email if you are interested in becoming a moderator