Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid Of Competition

Homeschool Business Blog

If you're reading this, chances are you're in business. And if you're in business, you have competitors. There are bound to be other businesses vying for the same customers. They may be nipping at your heels, or they may be miles ahead, but either way, they're there. And that's a good thing.

Competition is healthy. It keeps us on our toes and forces us to constantly innovate and improve.

Take some time to research your competitors and find out what they're all about. What are their strengths and weaknesses? What do they offer that you don't?

If you feel like you need to make your printables or curriculum stand out from your competition more, you can:

  • Choose a trendy color palette or unique illustrations
  • Focus on a different type of student
  • Focus on a specific subject
  • Focus on a different grade
  • Provide more one-on-one support
  • Offer a unique perspective because of your experience

TIP: Don't focus on the same area as your closest competitors. If the other guys have a better price or a higher quality product, then you need to be strategic. You need to decide what your strength is and talk about it over and over again.

LEARN MORE: 3 Tips To Stand Out From The Competition