Marketing Tips And Advice

  • Homeschool Business Blog

    If you're reading this, chances are you're in business. And if you're in business, you have competitors. There are bound to be other businesses vying for the same customers. They may be nipping at your heels, or they may be miles ahead, but either way, they're there. And that's a good thing.

  • Homeschool Business Blog

    Have you noticed that some posts in Facebook groups get a whole lot more reach than others? This is typically it is because these posts are getting more engagement, which signals to Facebook that this is a post people like, so they recommend it to more people.

  • Homeschool Business Blog

    Want to make sure your homeschool curriculum business is reaching its full potential? Here are 7 social media posting ideas that can help you grow.

    If you want to grow your small business, you need to grab your potential customer's attention and then keep them interested.

  • Homeschool Business Blog

    Adding a call to action at the end of your social media posts is an effective way to increase engagement and make more sales. It allows you to directly communicate with your audience, build trust, and encourage them to take the desired action.

  • 5 ways to market your homeschool business

    Knowing how to market your new homeschool business is key for success. This newsletter will provide insight on how to effectively market your homeschool business, so you can start generating sales.
